Friday, January 31, 2014

Cool Art meme circulating on Facebook

Have you seen this message on Facebook?

"The idea is to occupy Facebook with art, breaking the monotony of photos of lunch, sushi and sports. Whoever likes this post will receive an artist and has to publish a piece by that artist with this text"

I first noticed it a few days ago and didn't think it was for me. Maybe because I didn't recognise the art that accompanied it. Anyway, I then started my Art & Music class at uni. I realised how very little art knowledge I have and remembered this meme and decided to join in.
One friend had this piece by Shag:
(link to his website):

Another had this piece by Gustav Klimt:
(link to Klimt Gallery):

I was given Spanish artist Salvador Dali (1904 - 1989) and chose this:
(link to Dali Museum):

Soft Watch at the Moment of First Explosion

I'm sure there are some really in depth discussions about what it represents and means, but to me it was a visual representation of how crazy busy my life is lately, to the point where I feel like time is getting away from me.

I'm hoping some of my friends jump on board and I learn a little bit more about some art and artists.
If anyone does I'll add their contribution here.  I'll try to come up with a variety of artists from classics to those who are not so well known (by me) as more people join in. Suggestions welcome.

These are the artists I have allocated (with the artwork chosen and a link on their name to a gallery/website etc for further details.)



Some of these pieces were selections I saw on other Facebook walls from people who had taken up the challenge from other friends. (ie I didn't allocate the artist) I kind of liked the idea of a bunch of random art pieces on my blog. I hope you've enjoyed the selection too.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

My place in time

see end of post for how I would link this to AusVELS

Okay, so I've found a new photo project. I found it accidentally. I was looking for ideas to incorporate into a humanities unit of work I need to create for uni. It's a project about the shaping of Geelong in the 20th Century and I need to have ideas that I can plan for that will help 6th graders enquiries about this topic.

So, searching Pinterest, as I often do to find some teaching inspiration I came across a blog with a post about #myplaceintime. Kell, whose photography business is Blackcurrant Photography, is behind this project to capture 100 photos of local communities and have them published in books. I'm always up for a photo challenge so will jump in with both feet to participate in this one too. I initially thought I would title it 'Geelong' but I think I need to modify it to 'Greater Geelong' so I can capture the outskirts too since I don't live right in the centre of Geelong.

Here is one pic I might be tempted to use for #78.My local library (Deakin University - Waurn Ponds campus library):

Having had a bit of a look at the list I have noticed some things that might not be achievable for a Year 6 project, especially if I incorporate it into a walking excursion in town and aim to complete it collectively in a single day, or several hours. So the first list is Kell's original list (and the one you should complete if you want to participate in #myplaceintime for your local area) and the second list is my modification for students with credit to Kell for the idea and inspiration. If you do decide to participate please let Kell know. Her local area is Perth and I'm sure she'd love to see her projects being picked up in a wide variety of areas.

The #myplaceintime list:

1.The price of fuel/petrol.

2.A mode of transportation.
3.Teenage wasteland – use your common sense when photographing kids that aren’t yours.
4.A small business.
5.A view you pass on your way to work.
8.Something that was here 10 years ago.
9.The corner shop or deli – basically anywhere you run to if you need something late at night.
10.Where I go to relax.
11.I can’t believe the news today.
12.My favourite restaurant.
13.What arrived in the post.
14.A local service – think delivery/post/bin collection/ranger.
15.People playing sport.
16.An outing with friends (with the background in shot).
17.Somewhere I used to visit as a kid.
18.A handwritten note from someone I love.
19.Something that was here 20 years ago.
20.The end of the day.
21.What I can see from my window.
22.A river view.
23.The price of a cup of coffee.
24.Something I’ve never seen before – this can include a place.
25.How we communicate.
26.A view with train/rail lines in it.
27.My favourite thing to drink – make sure the label is in shot.
28.The receipt for something I bought today.
29.Three O’Clock in the afternoon.
30.How I tell the time – I know most of us use our phones these days. Be creative!
31.Graffiti – If you can see the artist’s name please credit them.
32.A sculpture.
33.Nothing but trees.
34.This sign makes me laugh.
35.The view from somewhere high up.
36.One kilometre from my house.
37.The view from the end of my street.
38.I’m in a supermarket.
39.A ticket.
40.A trip to the movies/cinema.
41.What’s showing at the movies.
42.This week’s music chart.
43.Something old.
44.A busy intersection – Do not take this whilst driving!
45.Authority – Police, security, someone in a position of power. Be respectful and don’t get in the way.
46.On my way to work/school.
47.I wish this place had never changed.
48.Ten dollars in my currency – this will be more interesting if you use change.
49.I had to stop the car and take a photo.
50.Somewhere I used to live.
51.Someone outside your family/group of friends that you would miss if they were gone.
52.This place has been here for my whole life.
53.If I had kids I would want to take them here.
54.Somewhere I visited with my first love.
55.Out on a date – if you are single then photograph a date with friends or family.
56.Power / electricity.
57.A neon or electric sign.
58.A concert or show poster.
59.Somewhere I visit every day – not the toilet!!!
60.A postcard – why not buy it and send it to a friend?
61.Postage stamps from my country.
62.Postage stamps from another country.
63.I wish I didn’t have to pay this bill!
64.A car I would love to own.
65.The car I do own (or bike/scooter etc).
66.Where all the cool kids go.
67.It’s show time – interpret as you wish.
68.Somebody’s special day – You will always find someone getting married on a weekend.
69.A photo from the coast.
70.To market, to market.
71.Fresh produce.
72.A local playground – Again, use your common sense. Photograph your kids or a friends or wait til nobody is there. Don’t be creepy.
74.If I had a permanent marker, I would correct this sign.
75.Road work.
76.Somewhere I belong.
77.Somewhere I don’t belong.
78.My local library.
79.Waiting for a bus.
80.This week’s trashy magazines.
81.I bought a Lottery ticket.
82.An old painted sign on the side of a building.
83.The view from the passenger’s seat.
84.Some groceries I bought this week.
85.Where I was at 11:11 am.
86.Where I was at 11.11pm.
87.A car numberplate.
88.A shop that’s no longer open.
89.This place is for sale.
90.Coca-Cola. – It’s been around for most of our lives. Let’s see how it looks around the world.
91.The price of a Big Mac at McDonald’s.
92.On the way to the airport.
93.Out on a bushwalk / hike.
94.Only in my country.
95.Absolute junk.
96.Street lights.
97.Friday afternoon.
98.How I spend Sunday morning.
99.Someone I’ve just met.
100.My place in time – any photo at any time of the day that describes how you feel with life.

Here's another recent pic.

No.40.A trip to the movies/cinema. Date night for my husband and I...The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

Here is my adapted list deigned to be used by Year 6 students on an excursion to their local community as part of a history project. I would probably place them in small groups to complete this task and there would be loads of follow up work to occur back at school when we compare/contrast the photos taken, the whys and where and write notes about choices of photos taken. Hopefully the students would have looked at their local community through fresh eyes as they took notice of new and interesting things, or things they might never have noticed.


1.The price of fuel/petrol.
2.A mode of transportation.
3.Teenage hangout
4.A small business.
5.A view as you walk north
8.Something that was here 10 years ago.
9.Something that is open 24 hours.
10.Something that you don't know what it is.
11.Something you’ve seen on the news.
12.A restaurant.
13.Somewhere to post mail.
14.A local service
15.Something sport related.
16.A group of friends with something recognisable in the background
17.Somewhere I’ve visited before
18.Something handwritten.
19.Something that was here 50 years ago.
20.Somewhere you would go at night time
21.A view through a window.
23.The price of a cup of coffee.
24.Something I’ve never seen before
25.A method of communication
26.Something you think will still be here in 20 years.
27.My favourite thing to drink (include the label if appropriate)
28.The receipt for something I bought today.
29.Where I am at 12 noon.
30.How I tell the time – many people use their phones these days. Be creative!
31.Graffiti – If you can see the artist’s name please credit them.
32.A sculpture.
33.Nothing but trees.
34.This sign makes me laugh.
35.The view from somewhere high up.
36.A view as you walk east.
37.A view while lying on your back (try to include more than just sky).
38.The view inside a shop (ask permission from the owner to take the photo)
39.A ticket.
40.Something that makes you think of a scene from a movie
41.Somewhere expensive to eat.
42.Something that makes you think of a line in a song
43.Something old.
44.A busy intersection – Be careful
45.Authority – Police, security, someone in a position of power. Be respectful and don’t get in the way.
46.Something that reminds you of school.
47.I wish this place had never changed.
48.Ten dollars in my currency – this will be more interesting if you use change.
49.A photo you couldn’t take in a moving car
50.Somewhere that people used to live.
51.Somewhere relaxing to sit.
52.This place has been here for my whole life.
53.If I had kids I would want to take them here.
54.Somewhere people in love might visit
55.A cheap place to eat
56.Power / electricity.
57.A neon or electric sign.
58.A poster advertising an event.
59.Somewhere I would like to visit everyday
60.A postcard (PG) – Buy it. You will post it as part of this project.
61.Something that represents multicultural Australia
62.Something that represents indigenous culture
63.Somewhere you would like to visit but never have
64.A car I would love to own.
65.Something in the school colours
66.A place that looks popular
67.It’s show time – interpret as you wish.
68.Something orange
69.A photo that people who don’t live here would know was this city
70.To market, to market.
71.Something tourists would photograph.
72.A local playground
73.Something your teacher would like.
74.A street sign that traffic must obey
75.Something purple
76.A modern business that would not have existed before 2000.
77.A place that you predict will look almost the same in 100 years.
78.A library.
79.A bus stop.
80.Something in fashion right now
82.An old sign on the side of a building.
83.The view walking south.
84.Something hot.
85.Something green. old car/motorbike/vehicle
87.A car numberplate.
88.A shop that’s no longer open.
89.This place is for sale.
90.wifi…a place where people connect
91.A fast food outlet
92.On the way to or from the excursion
94.Only in my country.
95.Absolute junk.
96.Street lights.
97.A place people go early in the day.
98.A place that would be busy on the weekend.
99.The view walking west
100.Something you want to photograph that doesn’t fit any of the above categories.

Some pics from a recent wander around town I did as 'research'

22. Water (the Barcode Fountain near Custom House...The barcode is for Noddy's soft drinks, an iconic Geelong brand)

24. Something I've never seen before (The Cargo Boxes, sculpture...these boxes have been here since 2000 and I had never noticed them before. Each one contains something that was brought into or out of the port of Geelong over time and on the top is etched detail about the ship/cargo etc)

So, this didn't exactly survive the cull that was my Humanities - History project, which was he hugest thing I have done at uni yet, but I do think something like the above could fit in a year 6 program... This is from AusVELS Geography which is about to be rolled out:

The effects that people’s connections with, and proximity to,

places throughout the world have on shaping their awareness

and opinion of those places (ACHGK036)

identifying factors that influence people’s awareness

and opinions of places, for example, the media,

significant known events, proximity to places and

personal relationships with places

Evaluate sources for their usefulness and collect relevant

geographical data and information, using ethical protocols,

from primary and secondary sources, for example, fieldwork,

maps, plans, photographs, satellite images, statistical sources

and reports (ACHGS041)

finding out how to conduct ethical research with people

and communities, including the protocols for

consultation with local Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander


exchanging geographical information from schools in

countries of the Asia region

interviewing people, for example, on their knowledge

and opinions of other places

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Photo a day 2014

I've done photo a day twice before. I originally heard about the idea of taking a photo a day sometime before October 2007. I had read an article about Jeff Fatt, the purple Wiggle, and he had taken a photo of the most eventful thing that happens each day since 1990. "It could be a person he meets, a meal he eats or something on TV."  If I do a bit of a google, I suspect it may have been this article from The Daily Telegraph on September 2, 2007 (link)  

As my 39th birthday approached I came up with the idea to take a photo each day of my 40th year. And so I began a project that would run from October 2007 to October 2008.  I faithfully took a photo every single day from the day after my 39th birthday to the day of my 40th birthday. It was fun and I love looking back on that year. Some days were easy; days when there was something unique or photograph worthy happening. Other days were routine and more difficult. I'd wander around my house looking for things to capture. I didn't miss a day though. 

A few years later I decided to do it again. The year was 2010 and I decided to take a photo a day featuring a troll doll. Yes, you read right, a troll doll. My aunty collects them. She has thousands and I am not exaggerating. This pic below shows part of one wall in one of two rooms she has that trolls line the walls in.

Our whole family is on board with her troll hobby. Just this past Sunday I was at a trash and treasure market and I came across a couple of them. They were packaged up with My little pony's, but I left the pony's and took the trolls at $2 each. My aunty is the easiest person in the world to shop for. Just find something troll related and you're on a winner. Here is a snapshot of 3 days from my album that year.

In 2010 I always seemed to have a troll doll on hand. I started off wanting a different troll in each picture but it grew difficult to get some of them from my aunty so I just stuck to rotating a few amongst the different photos.

So, after dipping my toes into Instagram last year and seeing posts tagged #fmsphotoaday I decided I would do a new photo a day project for 2014.  This time I'll be using Instagram and taking the photos using my smart phone. I'll also be using the prompts from Fat Mum Slim.

If you're curious about photo a day, or want to see what I am photographing throughout 2014 please pop by my Instagram account. @primmich1