Thursday, June 20, 2013

Dear Leigh Sales

Hi Leigh,
After watching 7:30 on ABC tonight I wanted to write to you. You interviewed Trade Minster, Craig Emerson. For much of the interview you were asking him questions about the leadership of the ALP. A few things I want to bring up in regard to that.

Before I start though I want to assure you I am going to stay calm and non abusive. I have seen that you receive some pretty nasty tweets following so called controversial interviews. I am not a troll or professional political pundit. I am a woman in her mid 40s. I have an education. I work part time, I have a husband and 3 kids, a mortgage and a dog. I volunteer with many of my kids activities and life is pretty busy. I feel unique, and I am, but on the surface I think you could say I am an 'ordinary' Australian.

I've never been a member of a political party, and in fact have probably avoided them. The whole environment seems macho and not really my scene. The idea of Women for Gillard appealed to me as a way of getting involved in politics, without immersing myself in the deep end. The fact it has been mocked mercilessly bothers me. I'm sure there are other women who would like to get involved but are apprehensive. However, my post today isn't about that.

With regard to your interview...
At one stage you said that you were asking questions that ordinary Australians want to know the answers to. I'm an ordinary Australian and I am sick to my back teeth of the leadership speculation that has continued for the best part of 3 years. I don't actually know what questions you were hoping Craig would answer. I don't have a transcript but I recall you asked whether he thought Julia Gillard would stay on as Prime Minister beyond next week. This has been asked of many ALP politicians this week (this year!) and I honestly don't know what answer you are all expecting. Do you expect him to say 'Well no actually, I think she'll be gone by Wednesday?' Even if he did think that? Do you think he'd say 'We're putting boxing gloves on at the next caucus meeting and we'll settle it then'? You are never going to get the answer you want. However, I know that whatever answer you do get will then get dissected. Perhaps when Craig said 'Of course', he really meant 'Of course not'... It's like a dog chasing its tail.

No interview with any ALP person, pollster, politician or power broker is going to give you the answer you desire. And yes, we, the ordinaries, understand that backbenchers are mumbling, and the Rudd loyalists.  So what? Spend one sentence, or two, acknowledging that and move on. Aren't you embarrassed that for almost 3 years you've had the same story and still Julia Gillard is Prime Minister?

Craig made a valiant attempt to talk about policy and ideas despite your constant leadership questioning. When he finally managed to get a few sentences out about carbon pricing being introduced in China you then advised that the time was up for the interview. I nearly cried. How often do the ALP get accused of not being able to get their message out, but here we have a Minister, not involved in any leadership mutterings, invited onto your program, and he is subjected to 95% leadership questioning. In fact all Minsters have expressed that they are steadfastly behind the Prime Minister and they would probably love the chance to appear on your show to discuss their portfolio, yet they are subjected to leadership questioning that they can add nothing to. I would almost argue that there is a deliberate attempt by the media to stymie the Government's message... 'Keep asking leadership questions, avoid the policy message at all costs...'

I have been reminded numerous times this week that we are in the last sitting fortnight of this parliament but we barely know what legislation is before the parliament. All mention seems to be in relation to whether Julia Gillard will see out the fortnight as leader. We do get snippets of rants from question time in the news, but barely enough to know what the topic of the question or answer is even about. Isn't your show, 7:30, meant to help us ordinaries learn about these things? I imagine a lot of legislation will go through parliament before it rises next week. Help us to know what it is and what it means for us.

I understand that Julia Gillard has a planned meeting in Indonesia in a few weeks. The way it is reported is not advising us ordinaries about what the meeting is for, and what might be discussed, instead we hear speculation on whether it will be her or someone else actually attending. Really? Perhaps the reporter might also, in a sloganistic way, mention that she'll talk about stopping the boats! But is that the extent of Australia's relationship with Indonesia? Stopping boats?

It bothers me enormously that as we approach an election so little is known of the policy position of the Coalition. What is direct action? How will it work? Why do all IT experts seem to advise against the Coalition FTTN and prefer the FTTH NBN? Do they have a health policy? An education policy? I rely on journalists to ask questions and to help us ordinaries become enlightened. How do we make a wise voting choice in September? A choice that is based on informed understanding of policy and ideas?

I know you are trying to do your job Leigh, but really, please don't suggest to an interviewee that you are asking leadership questions because ordinary Australians want answers.  I speak as an ordinary Australian when I say, one question is enough, then move on to other topics. I tweeted just that very thing tonight and had been retweets, and saw many expressing the same sentiment. We do not have a microphone to ask our politicians questions, we are counting on our journalists, especially those of the public broadcaster, to ask questions that help us to understand.



  1. Replies
    1. yes unfortunately Leigh sales has sold out to the msm sensationalism and focuses on personalities instead of real issues and policy ,she is now a right wing bigot ,once a favourite of mine now I handle the genuflects and bias towards labor,she has become un democratic ,time for her to get sacked, i watch SBS now

    2. So..Leigh strikes again. I switched her off a few weeks ago when she did much the same to another Labor MP - hectoring hectoring hectoring - then cut the interview off ......

    3. There's a petition out, fyi:

    4. Well, Leigh Sales was only asking questions about the topics of the day, and that is the lack of leadership of this current Prime Minister Gillard. And for Gillard to go to Indonesia at the 11 hour to discuss the absolute flood of boat people, as another deflection. Good on you Leigh

  2. I'm starting to think us 'ordinary' Aussies should get a list of all the journalists currently making negative comments & suffering from "same story syndrome" & send THEM the questions WE want answers to.

    They've spent the last few years writing like a pack...none have the intelligence to break away & be an individual who can actually give us something we have not heard over and over through all media outlets. Abbott is dangerous & cruel! He turned his back on dying cancer victims (Bernie Banton) and what was worse he actually volunteered to stand beside a sex offending priest! OMG - a so called 'family' man who can do that isn't who he makes out he is!

    Are we having an election? What are we supposed to be voting on? Is Abbott invisible? He's preparing Australians for the biggest list of broken promises we have ever seen.

    Maybe we should send Leigh Sales a list of questions we would like asked?

    1. Good idea Angie, good idea.

    2. I suspect Leigh and many of her colleagues are having their incomes supplemented by people who are not their stated employers.

    3. that is a frightening thought, but you are not alone in thinking it.

    4. Great idea. Perhaps if we flood them with the questions we ordinary Australians REALLY want answered maybe they'll finally get the message that we're sick of their circle jerking on the leadership, which has been manufactured by the msm.

    5. Agree totally, I'm so sick of hearing the journalists ask the same retarded questions - when our Prime Minister has actually done a decent job, unlike Howard.

      What I don't understand is how the hell the journalists are letting the coalition get away with having so few actual policies?

    6. Here here.... finally some intelligent words.

    7. Thank you Michelle you say this far better than I did on the 7.30 Report blog. There are so many of us who are outraged with the arrogance of these so called journalists. I wonder if there is a site listing journos who we could email with a list of questions that we, the ordinaries' would like put to the politicians.

    8. Well said Michelle - I do hope Leigh reads and digests this - it is so sad to see an earlier heroine (Leigh) descend lower and lower.
      Leigh, we know that the mainstream press are hell-bent on putting Julia Gillard down, but they are owned by Murdoch and Rinehart. You work for MY ABC and I expect better.

      Peter Wright, Carlisle WA

  3. Brilliant piece Mam dont belittle yourself that missive tells me you got more than average intelligence well done thank you

  4. Well said Michelle, bravo! Would you please take over the questioning and let Leigh have a rest?

    1. I fully Second this suggestion, Tracy. Whay a brilliant idea!
      We could let Chris et el rest too. The gloat each time they think they have "scooped" the "GotchYa" moment is unbelievable. Their facial happiness is so galling because they are supposed to be UNbiased journalists, not Murdoch press, or?

      Not Happy, ABC 7:30 Report!

    2. Another brilliant suggestion. Maybe we could also find a substitute for Tony Jones.

      It would be wonderful to have the real ABC back doing well researched UNBIASED current affairs programs.

      I have frankly given up on the ABC.

    3. I believe that the management at the ABC has made it clear to their employees e.g. Sayles et al,that they are worried about appearing too left and to do everything possible to bring about a change in tone for fear of offending conservatives in the LNP who will in turn probably end up being their bosses.

    4. I agree with you, Mike Ballard. In fact the ABC is fighting for its life, with the IPA's policy being that it be privatised. SBS too. If in order for it to survive it must be obsequiously compliant to the demands of the Right (or the Left, or any pressure group) then good riddance to it.

    5. If the media is afraid of government it would usually be in dictatorships or communist countries hey? So where does that leave this country?
      Down the bloody toilet as far as I am concerned.
      This is a lost cause now.
      The ABC has sold out.
      Hopefully social media and the internet in general has some hope for us.

    6. Employees are always afraid of their bosses. The government is a an employer now. The government is elected. Changing the employer to a private corporation will only distance democratic decision making from the public.

  5. Thank you for articulating my thoughts exactly. I, too, almost wept when Leigh wrapped the interview - it saddened me that she did so so smugly.

    We're running out of time to question the LNP on their policies and we're running out of time to acknowledge the (many) successes of this Parliament.

    1. I agree entirely, i was shocked by the smug look on Leigh Sales face when she wrapped up the interview so suddenly. The whole interview was not an interview at all but a Coalition repeat of the way they continue to ask the same old same old questions in parliament. I tweeted congratulations to Craig Emerson for the way he kept trying valiantly to talk policy. It's time for Leigh Sales to give up her day job and do something constructive for a while.

    2. Like helping build the NBN, at least that would be something useful, rather than what she does atm

  6. Is it possible that there is at least 1 honest journalist out there that can answer why all forms of media are behaving in this manner. Are they scared for their jobs that they sacrifice their code of ethics and the welfare of this country to push the agenda of the Murdochs, Rineharts, Abbotts etc. I have never ever witnessed the drive to manipulate Govt. as appears to be the case the last 3 years. Julia Gillard has proven a very tough formidable WOMAN for everything she has been put through and I know one day this will be acknowledged. Sadly too late for the good of Australia. It is beyond me why no-one in the media is dissecting the many court cases that Abbott is facing, never mind who is funding his legal costs. Also who is funding Ashby and why has Brough been the protected species. Which LNP politician (apparently senior) who pissed in someones shoe at an LNP function? All of these disgusting behavioural issues should be investigated and reported on yet they are not because they are LNP - WHY IS THAT, to whose benefit is it that these are covered up? WHAT THE HELL ARE THE LNP POLICIES? and on and on the list of questions go!

    1. Precisely. I'm increasingly angry with the ABC. We thought the ABC would bring us balance - this is no longer the case. One has to ask WHY? I turned on the radio for the first time today and caught the news. The top story was - you guessed it, the leadership challenge. But not really, it was actually a story about Kochie on Channel 7 asking Kevin Rudd about the leadership. So it is as Julia Gillard said - Journalists reporting (or interviewing) on other Journalists speculating on speculation. Again the question must be asked WHY ABC, WHY?

    2. Rupert & Gina have corrupted the media in this country, I hope not irretrievably.

      Murdoch in particular must be neutered and maybe we'll get our democracy back.

    3. Journo's are worried about their jobs, but how many will vote Labor, I think a lot of them will. they know what's going on, but have to tow the line to pay their mortgages

  7. Thank you Michelle I think you have summed up many peoples frustration over this ongoing non-challenge Leadership challenge. Like you I too am sick to death of it,a point I reached about 18 months to 2 yrs ago,so every hypothetical spoonful we've been force fed since then has had the most disgusting tainted taste to it that I am overcome with nausea every time I hear the subject raised..which as you know is every single day.
    Lee Skelton.

  8. Fantastic response Michelle. I was entirely frustrated watching that interview last night - such a wasted opportunity for an intelligent and useful conversation about policy.

  9. Michelle, you speak for me too, thank you.

  10. great article,
    Would be only too willing to add my signature to this.
    enough is enough

  11. Wow! thanks Michelle. You know, I read countless articles by so called journalists, and at the end of reading I often wonder what they were on about. This article, so simply written, gets to the very heart of the issue with absolute clarity. Brilliant.

  12. Brilliant piece. Ms Sales and the rest of the MSM dont care what us ordinaries think though. They just keep the big boys in charge happy.

  13. Thank you Michelle. Your blog puts the so-called professional MSM to shame. I hope there are enough "ordinaries" in our communities to put the Mad Monk back in the lunatic asylum, where he and his like belong. @btckr

  14. Thank you for your blog Michelle. Your comments point out how useless and corrupted the main stream news media has become. I hope there are enough "ordinaries" in our communities to put the Mad Monk back in the lunatic asylum. @btckr

  15. Nice article Michelle. It seems the media are not going to do their job, so maybe we should do it for them. There are about 22 million australians on FB, and a lot uf us are internet savvy enough to do research. I suggest we look for policies from the parties and put them out for our friends and aquaintences to see and read. I know both Labor & the Greens are on their websites, but the Liberal policies might take a bit more work. I've come to the conclusion that the only way we will be informed is if we do it outselves.

    1. There are a few good sites around who are ferretting out information. Peter Wixx has been following Asbygate & the stench around HSU. The address is below.

      The Australian Independent Media Network is also a good source of facts, as is The Failed Estate (Mr Denmore), Cafe Whispers & The Political Sword

      As for Liars policies, even an electron microscope won't help, I fear. Rupert has made certain of that.

  16. Excellent response which sums the issue up perfectly.

  17. here here, perhaps the abc should be sold in OCT the labor gov could start again just keep the radio stations the children's channel the overseas channel and start from scratch, NO comments allowed only news. the abc was once the place to go to now its place to avoid ,but we pay for it with our taxes/

    is there a petition. there is a place. org,something sorry im not much help, if you decide on a petition , please tweet

  18. Awesome.

    But will the journos respond accordingly?

    Hint: the minute you challenge their authority or even dare to question any argument of a Press Gallery journo on Twitter, chances are you'll be blocked. If they really were interested in the views of ordinary people, they wouldn't do this, would they?

    Would they?

  19. I echo ALL the previous postings. I do not want HYPOTHETICALS; Michelle, you are correct to offer Lisa et el an insight. What we want are for All journalists, including MURDOCK's, to do their reporting with integrity.
    When reporting is for sensationalism, not truths, how are we to vote with fuul understanding of what each Party's policies are a or how are the policies are to be effected!
    You, well, maybe there is one or two NOT chasing ratings or headlines, could do the unthinkable. How about asking about your inner self these questions; I AM GOING TO VOTE SOON. WHAT DO I WANT TO KNOW SO THAT I CAN CAST MY VOTE To ensure my choice was a properly informed one.
    I want to hear policies releted matters discussed.
    I Dont want to waste my time hearing about Party trivialities.
    I want to not hear you, Chris et el, as public broadcasters, start with compostable matters, at the opening of the 7:30 Report programmes!
    To quote Our PM Gillard" Dont ask crap, its not that hard!"
    My soap is being folded up and put away for now.

    Very concerned citizen of OZ
    Dark Clouds..

  20. Michelle for Senior 7.30 Presenter!

    Come to think of it, she could replace the entire press pack.

  21. Thank you Michelle you have put my thoughts into words, again thank you.

  22. Never will forget Sales' most recent interview of Abbott. The contrast with her approach to Labor politicians could not be more stark. Patient, respectful, accommodating... even friendly. And no interruptions.

    If ABC journalists cannot be even-handed (the fundamental requirement of ethical journalism) they have no right to take taxpayers' money for their work. Of course it could be that even-handedness is no longer enforced by the 'New ABC'.

  23. I have to say that if the ABC keeps this up, when the time comes and their privatisation is on the cards, who will want to stand up to save them. My sympathy for their plight may well have flown by then

    1. Unfortunately this is exactly what the coalition wants, to privatise the ABC so there will be no voice of reason. The only fix is to replace existing management with non partisan members as the current board and executive's terms expire.

    2. How do you know that this is what the Coalition wants? Are you a policy maker for them?

  24. 1st can you please change the background colour to make reading this a little easier on the eyes.

    2nd Well said, it's about time people started asking these questions.

    1. Hopefully the text is now black on white

    2. Much easier on the eyes now, thanks again for taking the time to write this.

  25. Bravo Michelle, thank you very much for providing your views which plainly suit so many Aussie ordinaries. It's only the "extraordinaries" who may struggle to understand your elegant and eloquent missive. The ABC news department is such a disappointment in the recent few years. Leigh Sales and her ilk seem hell-bent on political, polemical point-scoring with their aggressive opinions rather than practising some ethical journalistic professionalism and asking questions to elicit information for the consumers, we ordinaries, of their product. Public broadcasters such as the ABC have a special responsibility in this regard to inform the public not assault those who they are interviewing with boring, endless, irrelevant questions. If only, if only we could vote them out of office.

    Finally thanks also to colleagues in ordinariness who've responded to Michelle's work. well done.


  26. Great letter Michelle. I agree with others who have voted for you to be chief interviewer on The 7.30 Report.

    I stopped watching the ABC about 2 years ago. Every time I watched its current affairs, Q&A or News24 I felt betrayed, by the journos and by the ABC director and board for allowing and fostering that exact situation you describe. There is no attempt at unbiased analysis, it's become a boring megaphone for a particular political slant and nothing else. The ABC we knew is dead, it's been killed off.
    I think we, the public, and rightful owners of the ABC, should keep the infrastructure and get rid of the overpaid deadwood in it. They're not worth even just 8 cents apiece per day.

    Here's another interviewer I'd like to see more of ;)
    Interview 1
    Interview 2

  27. wondering have you tweeted this to Ms Sales and the managing director of the ABC
    there is also an email address for the directors,
    on the abc web site.

    for a few years now have sent complaints by hand written mail and email I received a letter that looked as it was a form they take of a filling cabinet and post, the emails come back with wishy washy excuses, my last email was about the technical issues
    I ask them to make sure they where up to speed for the election.
    NO reply of course as I had and many others commented that the feed to press conference would drop out when the pm is speaking
    I have also seen them leave community cabinets over the last few years and also seen the abc leave the Pm for their own shows.
    Abc 24 is wast of tax payers money, they repeat repeat in fact the whole abc repeat so many programs ones knows some of the
    text said in shows off by heart, we have now given up on the
    abc as we pay for it with our taxes we deserve better all aust.
    deserve better.

    so wondering have you tweeted your link to the management
    hopefully a petition of some type would be good
    I would like to know are the following their charter
    right down the line.?
    may be some one could take a look at that issue.

    thank you so much for doing this open letter


  28. Thank you for your words of wisdom Michelle. I couldn't agree more. I am also an ordinary Aussie who is sick to the butt about leadership speculation driven by the media. Seems to me that even the ABC journalists have been to the Alan Jones school of journalism! Enough is enough!

  29. Hi Michelle, Saw the same interview. Craig Emerson was genuinely trying to answer & Leigh S kept cutting him off & asking questions about Leadership = that didn;t really have any basis in reality.

    Felt sorry for the politician.

    Sick of this rubbish. Not sure what's going on at ABC - but it is like MSM.

    The website for free polls is

    Think it is a good idea. There will be huge interest.

    There are a few media outlets that are still balanced - or are trying to be.

    Hoopla - Have just run a great article about this.

    ABC's Jonathon Green has written a similar article after the Hoopl one.

    The Guardian Australia - actually is like a "real" news outlet. Unbiased & stories of genuine public interest.

  30. Beautifully expressed and completely captured my feelings and frustrations! Thank you!

  31. terrific article .keep up the good work. you would run rings around[old saying] these so called Journalists.Thank you.

  32. Clarke & Dawe have had the best analysis for a long time. Succinct - no BS

  33. Are they interviewing or participating ? Of course Labor can't get it's message out there. Welcome to the type of media obstructions that the Greens also have to deal with. The media is the plaything of corporations.

  34. Excellent Michelle,I hope Leigh Sales took the time to read your brilliant letter.

  35. Thoroughly agree Michelle - I no longer 7:30 -Sales and Uhlman are such a disgrace to the ABC.
    It's about time the ABC got back to following their charter in supplying facts and information to the citizens of Australia, instead of aping the biased right wing populism of the MSM.
    If Labor gets back in they should install new independent management to the ABC.
    I used to love the ABC - now it makes me sick to see it prostituted by low grade journalists positioning themselves for a career with Murdoch's MSM.

  36. It gets worse. That piece was an edited version of the interview. The idea that you can "run out of time" in an pre-recorded interview is absurd. The final, edited, interview was carefuly crafted by professionals to produce the piece of shite that went to air. I wonder if the full interview is available on the 7:30 website? Don't hold your breath whilst searching.

  37. Thank you for your perceptive and comprehensive piece. We have come to expect lies and distortions from the Murdoch media. It is sad that the remaining remnants that he doesn't control, notably Fairfax, Stokes and the Nine network have joined in this abomination of their public responsibility.

    It is beyond the belief that our public broadcasters, the ABC and SBS, have joined this race to the bottom and betrayed their public in the process.

  38. Well said....Amen

  39. So absolutely well said everyone ... but I bet the people we are hoping will listen ... won't!!!

  40. Well said. As an ordinary Aussie I am sick to death of the media going on about it. This leadership speculation isn't coming from Labor or the Aussie public it is just coming from the media.

  41. Maybe we should all realise that the purpose of any political party is to get in power and stay in power. Doesn't matter who we vote for, a politician always gets in. Dana

  42. Brillant! Thank you for taking the time out of what must be a very busy life to say what so many of us are wondering about too.

  43. thank you

    Please let us know if you get a reply

  44. Well said Michelle, I too am sick of hearing that Labor is not getting their message across to ORDINARY AUSTRALIANS, well how are they supposed to get the message out when journalists wont ask appropriate questions, or let them discuss what they are doing for Australia, just once i would like someone to ask Tony Abbott some tough questions. Please Leigh Sales stand up for us ordinary Aussies and do your job and ask both sides policy related questions.

  45. Yes Michelle, thank you for that piece. I had to stop watching the interview as I found it so frustrating, of course gone are the days when the ABC journalists would stand up and make pollies of all persuasions accountable for their actions. The Board is stacked, and has been since Richard Alston's days-(and he couldn't wait to privatise the ABC)The ABC was a company which trained its staff, made its own programmes, had edgy programmes that made sense, and now it has given up in an effort to appear 'unbiased' Ha!!! We have been watching the ABC for over 50 years, and I before that the BBC, and it is the worst it has ever been. I am also an ordinary Australian, albeit a bit older if not wiser, went back to Uni as a mature age student with 3 kids, and studied a number of things including politics-which has also gone down the drain.

  46. Michelle - Just a note to let you know that the Font you have changed the comments to is quite difficult to read.

    It would be easier to read peope's opinions with a clearer one.

    Keep up the good work.

    1. The layout of the blog is not my strength :) Hopefully I have altered everything to black on white in Georgia font...

    2. Michelle, the present font, Georgia, is perfectly readable. Your Open Letter is creating quite a stir in Social Media. Well done and thank you :)

  47. Hope she is listening and tells all her journalist friends as well. I am so sick of the bullshit I just change to another channel. Just report the news instead of trying to big note yourself. There are decent people on both sides of politics. Treat them with respect. Let us hear what they have to say. Keep them accountable but don't keep flogging dead horses and making the news about what you want it to be. People will respect you a lot more. It is agony to watch some of these interviews it is so frustrating. I don't know why the polies even bother to keep fronting up.

    Thanks Michelle.

  48. Michelle, I just wanted to say that I totally agree with your sentiments and let you know what a great piece this is!

    I shared the link to this on:

    and just wanted to let you know how well it was received and that there are some rather nice comments about it if you would care to look!

    Thank you!

    1. Thanks. I have been overwhelmed by the on the comments, on twitter and now on facebook. It seems I'm not the only ordinary Australian looking for policy discussion and a move away from leadership discussion.

    2. Me too. I'm sick to death of Abbott's memes and aggressive negativism in lieu of policies. These are perhaps the most important times ever in the history of life on Earth yet all we hear from the LNP are trivialities, nitpicks and one-up-manship galore.
      Give us some solid policies so people can make an informed decision, purleese.

    3. The supportive comments continue over there! I do urge you to look and take a bow! :-)

    4. Thank you. This has been totally unexpected. I responded to the interview by writing this letter and decided to share it and the feedback has been incredible...and also inspiring. It is amazing to know there is so much support for what I said.
      I did check in on facebook and I will check again. Thank you to everyone who has shared the link to the page and commented, either here, on facebook or twitter. It gives me hope. If no one says or does anything, nothing changes.

  49. Please, please send this to the ABC, Please I beg you, everything you have said above is what a hell of a lot of us Ordinairies think.....

  50. Thankyou Michelle for speaking so well for so many of us "ordinaries" out here. This is a beautiful article and i only hope that Ms Sales reads it all with the comments and learns something from it. Well done.

  51. i am not a ordinary australian i am a normal nice Australian man i do not like julia gillard or kevin rudd tony abbott is the chance of a new broom as for leigh sales i seem to remember a few whatevers ago she was pillared for giving tony abbott a very hard time sorry i feel you are all just being so pro craig emerson a ex of JG cant wait till the election

    1. You couldnt possibly be talking about Tony Abbott the self-confessed liar who has absolutely no positive vision for the future of this nation. I am not a labor voter but the comments about the Craig Emmerson interview are factual, not biased.

    2. Anon #1, firstly, I totally believe that you are 'not a ordinary australian'.

      Secondly, this discussion is not about who is best to lead the country, so if that's what you're here for, I suggest you find a discussion you can contribute to. God knows there are plenty of them out there.

      This discussion is about the appalling state of media reporting in this country where ordinary Australians (unlike yourself) are not being informed. The media is not reporting factually on the issues that *actually* affect people's lives, like NDIS, Gonski reforms, NBN, climate change, CSG and fracking, superannuation, taxation and welfare reform/changes, the list goes on. Instead we get endless sh!t about non existent leadership challenges and the physical appearances of MPs, things that bear no more relevance to the lives of ordinary Australians than the gender of Kim Kardashian's baby, or whether or not Madonna has had plastic surgery.

      The government and the opposition are doing their jobs, ie governing, and opposing, however much you may disagree with their way of doing it. It is the media that is failing to do its job. Labor voters are not the only ones who are utterly sick of the gutter reporting that political news almost solely consists of in this country.

  52. I agree 100% with Michelle, Lee Sales had a single minded agenda and was NOT interested in the positive responses and what Labor has achieved. I think it is time you started looking for another career path, you have lost any credibility in my book.

  53. Michelle, I'd like to add my name to the growing list of support for your letter.

    Leigh Sales #7.30, like Emma Alberichi #Lateline, continue to disappoint. I actually don't believe their hearts are truly behind the bullcrap they continually spout. If they are then, well…

    ABC boss Mark Scott is an ex Liberal staffer, so one has to wonder about the agenda here. Having said that, if Abbott & co do get in it's quite likely the ABC (and SBS) will be flogged off like Telstra under Howard (remember him?) and a head or two might not have a job in the future anyway!

  54. I was a regular viewer of 7.30 report which used to be cutting edge journalism with both kerry obrien and, until this year, with leigh sales. Recently I have been regularly disappointed with the shallow, knee jerk, interviews and hammering away at non-events. I did not see this particular interview but have cringed at other recent confrontations. Thank you for raising the issue michelle, we should be getting more honesty, impartiality, pursuance of the real issues and integrity from our public broadcaster.

    As an educated, well informed member of the public, I am not interested in juvenile gossip, innuendo or pushing agendas. I want unbiased reportage with those who bluff and bluster being taken to task. Alas, this program seems to have degenerated to the antithesis of this.

    7.30 Report is no longer on my 'must watch' list because I can no longer rely on it for anything other than meaningless bullying and meaningless bull....

  55. used to have a lot of respect for Leigh Sales. Not anymore. After seeing her let Abbott off scott free in her last interview with him Ive stopped watching her crap show. Its not worth wasting my time on it just like all the other msm crap.

  56. Agree Michelle!! We switched off a good while ago!!

  57. Well said Michelle. Now if everybody sent a link to their MP ...

  58. At the very time Rupert Murdoch ihas been exposed in Britain where his executives face court for doing his bidding, and so soon after he failed to destroy Barrack Obama, Murdoch's long running campaign to bring down the Gillard government comes to a cressendo. Australia once again has a choice.

    To continue with the reforms and progress of the last 5 years, that will prepare the country for the future, or go back to the conservative, head in the sand, do nothing, hope for the best, Howard era style of government. 

    Tony Abbott, driven by a Right Wing ideology, religious belief and conservatism exceeding even that of B.A. Santamaria, not only wants to tear down all the progress that has been made, he actually wants to go backwards. In education, in health, in industrial relations, in immigration, in women's rights, in equal opportunity for the disabled, every aspect of our society. 

    Worse still, as we have witnessed during the last 3 years, the hatred, the bile, the divisiveness, the regressive ideology of the worst opposition in our history, is set to potentially become the heart and soul, the DNA, of the worst government in our history.

    There is no positive change for the nation, no vision, no cultural reform, no ideas for how we will continue to grow and prosper in the 21st century. Quite the opposite. 

    The alternative we currently are offered is an alternative filled with negativity, with revenge, with retribution. Punishment for not choosing them at the last election. No policies, nothing to suggest they are capable of governing this country for anyone other than the rich and powerful. Reward for those that have fought so hard to help them achieve power...for power's sake, for their own selfish interests, nothing more.

    Contrast this with a government and a leader who's sole purpose is to build a better Australia, to achieve equality of opportunities, new opportunities for all Australians, a vision of what we can achieve for our nation. A purpose that outweighs the retention of power. 

    The decisions and achievements made by this progressive and reformist government led by Prime Minister Julia Gillard have been howled down, denigrated and ridiculed by the opposition and the MSM to the point that they may well lose the next election. Yet they have accepted that risk, persisted and have built a foundation on which our nation will grow and prosper for generations.

    A foundation that will be destroyed if we are unfortunate enough to have Abbott and the coalition carried into power under false pretenses. Supported by the self interest of those who only wish to enhance their own power...and wealth.

    1. johnlward, you have laid out my worst fears. This worst of the worst oppositions will indeed be a worst of the worst governments.

      They have few policies to speak of, but are thick with the IPA, the King of Corruption, Murdoch and Gina Rinehart.

      The IPA has a wishlist of 75 of its repellant targets to turn this country into a feudal state and we can be sure that Liealot will happily legislate them.

      The loathsome Murdoch has set their agenda and no doubt dictated what policy they have.

      It will be a sad day for this country if the Liars are voted into government; we have Queensland as an example of the wrecking ball they will use to destroy the economy and thousands of lives.

    2. John, whatever you personally think of the opposition, they are doing their job, which is to oppose. Of course their methods are questionable, but if you aren't being called on it, and are actively being rewarded for it, why would you change?

      It is the media which is not doing its job, and that is where our outrage should be focused.

  59. Well said Michelle. Absolutely spot on. I'd be interested to know if you get a response from Leigh Sales (but you probably won't).

  60. Michelle, I agree wholeheartedly. I used to admire Leigh Sales as being a tough journalist but on comparing her interview with Tony Abbott and many Labor politicians there has definitely been a shift in the views she presents.

    I was also thinking, as many who have responded here, that the ABC seems to be getting ready for an Abbott win and want to keep their jobs. Where can we go to get our voices heard? We seem so few, I despair and hope beyond hope that Julia Gillard will win. She deserves to with over 500 pieces of legislation through and the NDS. The Libs weren't interested when they were rolling in the mining boom money.

  61. Great article Michelle, I couldn't agree more with everything that you said. I would love to get a debate going between Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott, she would wipe the floor with him. We need it to show us who is the better speaker has the better policies and would not let us down on the world stage but then we know the answer to that already don't we.

  62. Thank you! Great letter. I too, want to know about policies - am so over hearing about polls...

  63. Well said. Such a pity to waste so much precious time at this stage in our political life. Get a grip, ABC. You used to be authoritative. We need you, but you always disappoint lately. Lets see if they let that Piers Ackerman back on The Insiders. If so, I think that'll be the last straw.

  64. I agree with everything said in regards to our mainstream media & in psrticular the ABC.
    I stopped watching Leigh Sales & Tony Jones Liberal Sales shows a couple of years ago as they are justt like Gina & Rupert.
    Non partisan media reporting is dead in this country & has been replaced by corporate greed interested in filling their own bank accounts.
    Hopefully they have the guts to tell future generations why they destroyed our great country/planet where places like the Great Barrier Reef were once amazing natural wonder for all to enjoy.

  65. Thanks Michelle, I agree. Craig was right to make the point that readers of the print media say that they want policy, not leadership speculation, in interviews.

  66. Thank you Michelle, I couldn't agree more. Thanks also for tweeting, as that's how I heard about your blog.

    I wonder what are your thoughts on why it is that journalists seem to have dropped the ball when it comes to discussing the Governments's policies. And I too know litle about the Abbott/Coalition policies as I have hardly seen a thing in the media.

    And when are we going to hear some debates between the Govt and Opposition, so I can compare what they have to say about the actual issues?

    I am truly fed up with the media's almost exclusive emphasis on political personalities and their every idiosyncrasy. It is a total distraction from what voters are really concerned about.

    I too consider myself to be an "ordinary" Australian, ie a woman of middle-income with family and a part-time job and living in the suburbs.

  67. Michelle, right on!!!

  68. i congratulate you michelle,for saying what most fair minded australians are thinking
    we have listened to the get rid of gillard campaign for three years now from the coalition, shock jocks,and msm.
    are they all blind,maybe they think if they keep this going abbott will ride into power with their hate and scare campaigh without even releasing a diecent policy,GOD HELP US keep spreading the word on social media it's our only hope

  69. Great letter Michelle. I too nominate you for the 7.30 hotseat if you have the time or inclination.

    See 'Leigh Salesperson and ABC $7.30' on Independent Australia if you haven't already.

  70. Hear, hear! It seems no-one gives a damn about what us "ordinary Australians" really want to know.The media circus leading to this election has been shameful in it's inability to focus on real issues and overtly one-sided reporting (yes- I know that there are op. ed. type pieces and other opinion pieces, but those don't carry the same weight as front or second page reporting and the balance is clearly very, very skewed.)
    Consider me a signatory to your very well-worded letter!

  71. Thank you Michelle-wonderful piece.

  72. Well said Michelle, I heartily concur with you. I am so sick to death of the inane questions the media trot out over and over. I am seeing more and more unrest from the 'ordinary people' over the past few months due to the one sided non-political reporting from the so called media. I am hoping it will become a roar in the coming months.

  73. If only Leigh and all of her journalist colleagues would listen and do as we ordinaries wish them to do! I used to think it was their job, however it seems their job description has changed - certainly not for the better. It is truly frightening to know that we live in a 'controlled by media' country where politicians are prevented from being heard. Thank goodness for outlets such as these but unfortunately most people don't read these.

    1. On the flip side how many pollies over the years have manipulated the media to suit theirs and their party needs? It's all well and good to cry foul of the medias treatment but just remember it's a 2-way street in Canberra. One doesn't survive without the other. Case in point the silly article in Women's Weekly (funny name when it's actually published monthly). If that wasn't a beat up to try and look all lovey dovey (the picture actually reminded me of the Whistler's Mother painting) I'll vote DLP and this election.

    2. @ Anon #2, well, they're not going to call it the Women's Monthly now, are they :)

      Actually, it's hardly a classic beat up. The WW article contained quite a bit of subjective and emotively worded criticism. For WW to take a swipe at her in a fluff piece is just weird, and you have to wonder about their motives.

      (And the pic looks nothing like Whistler's Mother, I suggest you google the image to remind yourself.)

  74. Very well written - Congratulations!!

  75. Thank God, I am not alone! I thought I was going mad, shouting at the television, but maybe it's not me after all!!

    Journalists - Start giving us policies and stop telling us what we are thinking.

  76. a friend posted this on facebook and I have to give it a big round of applause and say, I concur!

  77. You say politics seems macho because rightly it IS macho. So stay in the kitchen and bake your husband a nice dinner, okay? If you want to refute what I say, just look at the debt and destruction left by three years of a woman in attempting to do a man's job.

    1. You're right, it *does* refute what you say.

  78. I can't see the link between Howard and Gillard as a few have suggested. Get over it. Howard has gone now it's Gillard, Abbott & if some of the Canberra Press Gallery (read parrot cage) would have us believe, Rudd.
    The ALP only have themselves to blame on the leadership debacle. If they had of settled it months ago the Parrot Cage would have nothing stupid to report on and might actually have to start asking some intelligent questions for a change (that's if the can think of one without copying someone else).
    Maybe the looming defeat is just what the ALP need to get their house in order and finally cast off the Union control from the likes of Shorten, Howe and co. and finally get back to basics instead of feeding their own egos.

    We can only hope..............................

    1. 'If they had of settled it months ago...'

      They did - they had a leadership spill and Gillard won overwhelmingly. That settled it. Every bit of speculation since has come to nothing - no named sources for the speculation, no leadership challenge.

      What you seem to be suggesting is that the solution should have been the replacement of Gillard with Rudd, and that the ALP made the wrong decision. You might want to examine that a little more closely in your own time.

      The speculation is all media manufactured BS - even if their sources are within the ALP, if they refuse to be named and keep getting it wrong, journalists should stop the hell listening to them, and should certainly stop the hell passing the goss onto the public as 'news'. One of the problems with the media is FOMO - they missed the boat when Rudd was replaced, and they are terrified they'll miss it again, so they keep predicting in the hope that, like a horoscope, they will eventually be right. And like a horoscope, as long as they keep it up, everyone will forget they were wrong the last ten thousand times.

      Another motive, far more sinister, and one I hope is not true, is that the media is actively trying to destabilise the government with endless speculation that it is unstable. It isn't, the government has passed an enormous amount of legislation (more than the previous government in a term), and Australia is still a stable, safe, and prosperous country, with a credit rating that is the envy of other developed nations. But from the way the media reports it, you'd think we were a banana republic on the verge of social, moral and financial collapse.

      When people are endlessly bombarded with gloom, even if it is a bunch of lies, they get scared (read Economics 101 to see the consequences of this kind of fear). I really don't know why the media would want to plunge us into instability (and recession), but they're doing a great job of scaring the crap out of the public.

  79. I agree entirely. Yes the leadership is obviously an issue but it's also bleeding obvious that it is largely media driven. On a slightly different issue I was surprised to note that Hazel Hawke's memorial service only got a mention about halfway through the ABC news. Surely this was a more important story than most of the dribble (including leadership speculation) that preceded it.

  80. How about I bake you a lovely chocolate and strychnine cake Vlax?

    I don't have augmented reality so I fail to see your destruction, and our debt comes at a time of record low interest rates worldwide.

    So shoo troll, and take a slice of cake...

  81. well done you.

  82. Hi Michelle......I read Corrine Grant dumbing down missive......then read yours, which prompted me to write to 7.30 Report....below is what I wrote!!!!

    Hi guys,
    long time watcher, first time writer!! Am a 40 something almost employed male in complete despair with the state of the media (ie: you guys, as I have been rusted on ABC person my whole life......but you are loosing me!!!) Firstly Leigh, when I first took note of you, you were doing a note from America in a canoe somewhere in up state New York (I think??).....young, brilliant up coming star.......What has happened??? have "lost your way" and we the people think you should stand down......I will not detail the reasons (too many!!) but I think Corrine Grant pretty much summed up the situation in her Hoopla missive. But I will mention a few last straws......last night you saw the Returning Officer of the caucus AND Dick Adams emerging from the vote.......You get no points for recognising Dick Adams (Everyone knows and loves Dick!!).......but who was that other dude? You had no idea......but instead of acknowledging this, you claimed your eyesight was failing?? WTF? Well if your eyes are not up to scratch, then perhaps this is a sign to retire......but more importantly (as I think is the case) you do not know who the players are in this very important game then give up!! We come to you to be you SHOULD know these things (It should not be the other way around with me yelling his name to you at the did not hear me though unfortunately!!?.....Hmmm....OK, so you did not know his name......but then for the rest of the night you did not even know what his "job" was......he was the Caucus Returning Officer......(Do I need to explain this......I hope not!!).....yet you kept referring to him (with AUTHORITY) as the Caucus Chair - FAIL!

    Now over to Chris (and for Leigh to consider)....yes I am a political junkie.....yet it was only recently I discovered Chris is married to a Labor MP (Finding out was a surprise, less surprise would have been if it was a Liberal MP given the crap you have dished out over the last 3 years) I can only assume your wife is a Rudd backer!!!! How can you do your job without fear or favour.....or without ANY perceptions of bias......ok, you will say you can......but even if this was possible, YOU WOULD HAVE TO DECLARE YOUR CONNECTIONS EVERY TIME YOU REPORT please do this OR go onto reporting touchy lost dog stories. You often report on "leaks" and "sources" within Labor......and last night you were eagerly waiting for your phone to vibrate on air, expecting a call from "your source" in caucus.........Ahhhhh.....that would be YOUR WIFE right? Shouldn't the story be about YOUR WIFE leaking information from Caucus? All your stories over the years when there was "speculation" as to who was leaking what (Usually to destroy Julia).....we can only assume you failed your DUTY as a JOURNALIST to report who this was .......Ahhhhh....sorry you could not do that could you!.........simply Amazing!!!! (I would have also thought that it would mean that you are putting your wife in an awful position as how can she do her job, when her colleagues would not speak to her....or if they did they could manipulate her etc etc etc......this is a REAL STORY, well it would be in a world where journalists actually did a good job)

    The ABC should be INDEPENDENT (FAIL!!) and BETTER (FAIL!!) than ACA and TT. I sincerely hope this will cross your desk to make you aware of the feelings and expectations of "an Ordinary Australian", though unfortunately I think you will be instead too busy interviewing each other telling us about all your anonymous sources telling you what us "Ordinary Australians" are actually thinking.

    You are letting your profession and employer down........BIG TIME

    Steve Simmonds

  83. Leigh Sales based on tonights interview of Joe Hockey
    Rates as the most destructive interviewer on TV. Not one positive question. Totally tried to destroy his credibility. This is not a journalists job. Her job is to report the news not create it. She should resign as a journalistic failure. Every critiscism of Leigh is totally justified. ABC should be ashamed.
